

Armpit fetishism exists although no one is talking about it. If astronaut Yuri Gagarin had not posed in a short sleeves t-shirt for USSR propaganda pictures, then men in the post-Soviet world would have never got the idea that this zone must be shaved. European and American male models, actors or musicians doesn't give a damn about it (who really cares?). Especially taking into account the current #bodypositivity trend.

One guy with whom I went to gym, had really cute hairy armpits, a body of a surfer and beautiful eyes. By this time Iā€™d watched a lot of BelAmi videos and was obsessed. I had just turned sixteen. He was a bit older and clearly didn't consider himself sexy, which made him particularly charming. Played basketball and hung out with idiots who discussed only protein shakes and fitness equipment. We didn't get to have a proper conversation because I was being overly sarcastic the whole time, which I was willing to apologize for between his thighs.

One day he kicked the jerk who offended me and I hugged him. He wore Nike shorts, so I could feel his huge cock on my stomach. Then I accidentally buried my nose in his armpit. People usually find it disgusting. He probably thought I was disgusted too, but it was one of the most erotic moments of my life. Right after that I ran to the restroom to masturbate. None of the porn films didn't gave me emotions like this. I always get a boner when I tell this story, but in fact, it means a lot more than discovering the appeal of a certain part of the body. It's about the fact that someone can love absolutely non-obvious things in us.